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thangvietnam owns 407 Kudos, gave away 2198 Kudos.

mdaetesamuddinRe: Jacob Burckhardts view that Renaissance European women stood on23-Jan-2025
Nurik055Re: Last year 3/5 of the members of a certain club were males. This year16-Dec-2024
annphmRe: Is the positive integer n the square of an integer?24-Nov-2024
Andres81396Re: If x= 1/(2^2*3^2*4^2*5^2) is expressed as a decimal, how many distinct13-Sep-2024
mithunm610Re: Recent feminist scholarship concerning the United States in the 1920’s02-Aug-2024
ThanhnguyenvanRe: A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence27-Jul-2024
chiniRe: If x= 1/(2^2*3^2*4^2*5^2) is expressed as a decimal, how many distinct19-Jul-2024
KumarkishorWHICH BOOKS ARE GOOD18-Jul-2024
GeomjrRe: If a, b, c, and d are positive numbers and a/b < c/d , which of the fo18-Jul-2024
GogoG23Re: Resin is a plant secretion that hardens when exposed to air; fossilize27-Jun-2024
Sroy1Re: Both Alexander Gerschenkron and Jerry Hough view the former Soviet Uni04-Jun-2024
EmmaStarkRe: Anthropologists studying the Hopi people of the southwestern United St11-Jan-2024
bhavukalsRe: The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of ha10-Jan-2024
Candy-PRe: Scientists believe that unlike the males of most species of moth, the06-Jan-2024
Candy-PTo estimate the expansion rate of the universe is a notoriously05-Jan-2024
omniadminRe: In recent years, Western business managers have been heeding the21-Dec-2023
YaalimadatRe: Despite the Puritan sumptuary laws prohibiting the wearing of bright21-Nov-2023
Candy-PRe: For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are official15-Nov-2023
sram1496If Charles had spent half as much time attending his classes as he did01-Nov-2023
studystudystudyIf Charles had spent half as much time attending his classes as he did30-Oct-2023
Sashank22Re: Employing many different techniques throughout his career, Michelangel25-Oct-2023
VamsipkRe: Sculpted boulders found at Lepenski Vir, an example of the25-Oct-2023
239719Re: Bihar is India’s poorest state, with an annual per capita income of17-Oct-2023
239719Re: Passengers must exit airplanes swiftly after accidents, since gases17-Oct-2023
TammyYueRe: In the 1940s popular magazines in the United States began to report on13-Oct-2023
IceSweetPearRe: Historians have long recognized the Japa-nese sword, or nihonto, as on07-Oct-2023
_mukesh287_Re: For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are official06-Oct-2023
Varun316Satellite radio transmissions a popular feature in car stereos06-Oct-2023
Candy-PRe: In the 1940s popular magazines in the United States began to report on19-Sep-2023
AaminaaRe: This year, advertising costs accounted for more than 5 percent of the16-Sep-2023

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