Completely disappointed on verbal. To be hones my English not so good, but I don't think I deserve 16. I hoped for not so high just 22-25 would be suficcient for me . But made key mistake: did not mamage my time. Spended about 40 minutes for 1 half of verbal, even did not read to last RCs suddenly I found out that remaining time only 6 minut I was just on 28 question. Gor all the rest question I have chosen answers randomly.
It greatly hart my score.
Math score was just what I wanted. May be it will help somebody. I ahve discovered that one can make educated guess on prob and permutation question and this can help. I got middle level prob question on 5th and permutation question on 6th. For both of them I made guess. After making some calculations I didn't get numbers in answer choises. And I looked to answers. 3 of them did not make a sence and I chose the answers that seemed more attractive. After the test we discussed this 2 questions with my friend who is very good in Math and he confirmed that answer choises which I chose was right. So If somebody not so good in prob one can still get a good score in Math as I am.
Now I think about reteaking of course. But may be after several monthes.
This year I have already missed deadlines.