chondro48You again came up with a spin-off of original question and the situation didn't change as far as your question is concerned. Why do you do so?
Greatest possible fraction confused me.
However, this time i solved the original with ease since it was easier.
lnm87, glad that you solved the OG2020 version with ease
. This question (4*4*4 cube) is the one that appeared in real test I took in 2018, but the color was red, not blue/black (I decided to change the color due to copyright issue). I was in the same boat like you at that time.
Comparing this question with the
OG Quant Review 2020 version, you will find that both match word-to-word. I did so as to eliminate any ambiguity (as in the case of all my previous questions), for example: both precisely say `greatest possible fraction...'. Despite that, this question still somewhat confuses some people (including me in actual test).
Perhaps one possible cause is a subconscious tension of 'seemingly harder' calculation of 4*4*4 cube (3*3*3 cube seems much more humane to me than 4*4*4 cube) ?
Perhaps our current PS method (i.e. getting final answer precisely; plugging smart number to evaluate choice) may not deliver good time-efficiency for such case (with a mere increase/decrease in the cube dimensionality).
As for me (after reflection), I realised that the latter is the 60% factor while the former 40% one.