Womiwom wrote:
I haven't made it to that point in my quant, but my verbal is pretty good already. I do SC, CR, and RC problems at work and get most of them right. I'm actually only answering the 700 level questions posted here. I think we're the minority on this forum, as most of the members are math wizzes that struggle with verbal. I highly doubt I'll get a Q50, but I figure if I can get a Q45-47 and a V44-46, that will be good for 700+. I'd suggest doing some of the problems in the verbal forum when you get a chance.
Thanks Womiwom for the advice. I am actually working through the Verbal advanced questions in
OG 11 and 12 at the moment. I think it comes down to learning a few of the more obscure and rediculous rules at this point. Oh, and I really need to memorize the idioms. I take them for granted as I'm a native speaker, but they are definitely an area where I make stupid (and I mean STUPID) mistakes. The 700+ questions often involve some weird answer choice that sounds wrong but is grammatically correct. Since I read as much as I do, as well as the editing I often perform for others, I have a good instinct for the Verbal stuff. At least a decent instinct with this level of grammar anyway. I'm no expert, but they aren't asking us to be experts. I think I'm ok with getting somewhere in the 93 - 95% or so for Verbal, and a 73% in Quant (pretty consistent in my last 3 tests). This should put me in the 700+ range. At this point, the score estimator seems to predict a score of 720 - 730, based on my previous tests and my performance under pressure.
One thing I still need to work on is my timing. I have the Quant timing down and have finished right on time. As for Verbal, I still finish between 10 and 20 minutes early. I try to slow down on the practice exams but just seem to breeze through the first part. By the time I hit the harder questions, I've built up a lot of extra time for use later, but then start answering the difficult questions at the correct pace (not using the time built up unfortunately). This means that by the end I still have that extra time I saved from the beginning. I'll just have to keep trying to get a handle on it.