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Mick1005 owns 57 Kudos, gave away 156 Kudos.

Mo2menRe: Madison Vs Broad Vs BYU Vs Krannert Vs Jindal20-Mar-2019
telesteRe: Madison Vs Broad Vs BYU Vs Krannert Vs Jindal20-Mar-2019
bbRe: Madison Vs Broad Vs BYU Vs Krannert Vs Jindal19-Mar-2019
golfzerodeltaRe: Calling all Broad (Michigan) MBA Applicants:(2019 Intake)Class of 202127-Jan-2019
BunuelAn extract of the plant Decalepis hamiltonii, which has proved helpful06-Dec-2018
BillyZA child learning to play the piano will not succeed unless the child20-Nov-2018
BillyZThe reason many people consider the Mediterranean island to be ungover19-Nov-2018
BillyZA researcher claims that a tornado of a given size and strength is lik19-Nov-2018
icandyHeirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved from the previous year, only19-Nov-2018
frankidaThe coloration of insects can serve as camouflage, as in the17-Nov-2018
eyunniWhereas high speeds generally cannot be achieved by ramjets17-Nov-2018
doe007Research suggests that much of the documented cases of Nipah17-Nov-2018
avohdenBiotechnology companies have invested millions of dollars into reserch17-Nov-2018
aghosh54A 1964 ordinance in the city of Pittsburgh increased the number of peo16-Nov-2018
aragonnThe herbicide Oryzalin was still being produced in 1979, three years15-Nov-2018
Sajjad1994Hearing loss is sometimes called a loss of intimacy because the more h15-Nov-2018
priyankurmlThe poll taxes enacted in the Southern states between 1889 and 190115-Nov-2018
faifai0714The computer company registered a $16 million net loss for15-Nov-2018
souvik101990A proposed law would require citizens to bring photo ID to polling pla15-Nov-2018
jet1445Editorial: The roof of Northtown Council’s equipment-storage building14-Nov-2018
banerjeea_98Tektites, which may have been propelled to Earth from lunar volcanoes14-Nov-2018
ToponepercentGMATBefore learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had14-Nov-2018
gmatquant25A minority of the US scientists assessed view atomic power stations as14-Nov-2018
rahul6019Re: In Europe, schoolchildren devote time during each school day to calist14-Nov-2018
generisSartre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of14-Nov-2018
kylexyThe doctrinal dispute resulted in the dismissal of the president of th14-Nov-2018
esledgeRe: The doctrinal dispute resulted in the dismissal of the president of th14-Nov-2018
vineetguptaArchaeologists seeking the location of a legendary siege and destructi13-Nov-2018

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