Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

avigutman owns 1840 Kudos, gave away 66 Kudos.

IanStewartRe: Change to the GMAT Club Signatures as of July 1, 202325-Jul-2023
vv65Re: Canceled24-Jun-2023
nightblade354Re: Canceled24-Jun-2023
IanStewartRe: Canceled24-Jun-2023
VrblancoRe: Canceled24-Jun-2023
AndrewNRe: Canceled24-Jun-2023
AjiteshArunRe: Canceled24-Jun-2023
IanStewartRe: As part of its growth strategy, the company is looking to apply...25-Jan-2023
jabhatta2Re: To protect certain fledgling industries, the government of country Z b25-Jan-2023
jabhatta2Re: YOUTUBE channels?22-Jan-2023
BraintreeRe: YOUTUBE channels?22-Jan-2023
jabhatta2Re: United States politician: Although the amount of United States goods17-Jan-2023
jabhatta2In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company30-Nov-2022
DmitryFarberRe: The heavy traffic in Masana is a growing drain on the city's economy31-Oct-2022
vv65Re: The heavy traffic in Masana is a growing drain on the city's economy31-Oct-2022
vv65Re: Aroca City currently funds its public schools through taxes on28-Oct-2022
AnishPassiRe: The world wildlife fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon16-Oct-2022
AnthonyRitzThe world wildlife fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon13-Oct-2022
AnthonyRitzRe: Sviatovin is a medieval Moringian text whose author and exact date of20-Sep-2022
KarishmaBRe: The variable x takes on integer values between, 1 and 7 inclusive, as30-Aug-2022
AndrewNGMAT Club Ethics Committee Suggestion24-Aug-2022
AndrewNRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
IanStewartRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
IanStewartRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
AndrewNRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
IanStewartRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
IanStewartRe: EGMAT Quant VS TTP Quant for Q49-50?-24-Aug-2022
vv65Re: New grocery products benefit the manufacturer but not the grocer. If22-Aug-2022
IanStewartRe: There is NO Intended Meaning | GMAT Short Tip16-Aug-2022

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