Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

lostincr owns 4 Kudos, gave away 34 Kudos.

Winter92Re: Calling all SMU Singapore MBA applicants - Jan'23 Intake16-Oct-2023
Qwerty2024Re: SPJIMR PGPM 2024 interview call19-Sep-2023
SpunkerspawnRe: In a certain deck of cards, each card has a positive integer written o01-Apr-2023
dhlerRe: Many stock traders in the United States have set out to become global25-Apr-2021
GMATPillRe: Tips to Improve GMAT in 2nd attempt PLS02-Nov-2020
karanjTips to Improve GMAT in 2nd attempt PLS02-Nov-2020
mikemcgarryRe: *******To allow a supercomputer to function as efficiently as possible24-Sep-2020
dineshyamatoGMAT Quant - Traps to Avoid21-Sep-2020
LMCarbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are22-Aug-2020
AbhiJRe: GMAC Verbal Scoring Algorithm is rigged14-Aug-2020
broallAccuracy of SC questions for a 690+ score14-Aug-2020
gixxer1000Re: The cotton farms of Country Q became so productive that the market10-Aug-2020
rahulprasad11Re: Analysis of GMAT 1- 670(Q49,V31) + GMAT 1 ESR & GMAT 2- 730(Q49,V40)06-Aug-2020
alfa_beta01Post link03-Aug-2020
Sonal03The use of “some” in a reading comprehension16-Jul-2020
Sonal03Is ARGUE a strong word?16-Jul-2020
Sowmyak16It only seems impossible until you do it! GMAT journey from 620 to 74010-Jul-2020
Sonal03What is reading?27-Jun-2020
Sonal03What to do if I am not a reader?26-Jun-2020
TechnextRe: Below is an excerpt from a letter that was sent by the chairman of a03-Jun-2020
kokusanhinAccording to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat fr25-Apr-2020
duttsitThe Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had long been21-Apr-2020
Aximili85How to improve my RC accuracy?12-Apr-2020
ChiranjeevSinghMega-compilation of 4000 Unique Official GMAT Verbal Questions08-Apr-2020
KarishmaBRe: $ A committee of 6 is chosen from 8 men and 5 women so as07-Mar-2020
bbCritical Reasoning Question Directory Topic and Difficulty12-Feb-2020
Sajjad1994TOMMY: That telephone always rings when I am in the shower and can’t h11-Feb-2020
Siva2021Re: Scientists attempting to replicate certain controversial results repor02-Feb-2020
abhimahnaImportance of an Error Log01-Feb-2020

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