Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

rajeevrks27 owns 985 Kudos, gave away 264 Kudos.

bbRe: GMAT on 20th Aug22-Aug-2013
NR91680 (V28) to 740(V40) in 30 days - Nailed Verbal22-Aug-2013
bbFree GMAT On Demand Veritas Prep Course Offer20-Jul-2013
souvik101990Big changes to the MBA forum! Please review!!!!22-Jan-2013
MarcabReading comprehension suggestion21-Jan-2013
DreamingPROFILE EVAL FOR ISB20-Dec-2012
carcassMeaning/clarity 2.According to a study, overworked truck dri19-Dec-2012
bgpowerRe: 640 - So what and how to improve to a mid 700 score?!19-Dec-2012
AbhiJ570 to 710 - Seven "Do Nots" of GMAT14-Dec-2012
jumsumtakWell, someone had to pay - 770 (Q51, V44)10-Dec-2012
NonYankeeRe: Guy with an 800?10-Dec-2012
bbHow to Improve Your Quant From Q30 to Q40+20-Nov-2012
bbRe: Another Milestone :-)18-Nov-2012
souvik101990How to Improve Verbal from V30 to V4016-Nov-2012
piyatiwariRe: From 600-540-580-710 (Finally achieved in 4th Attempt)15-Nov-2012
bbGMAT Club's 10 Years & 1,000,000 Posts Milestone - LearnMore05-Nov-2012
bbHow to improve your quant from Q44 to Q50?01-Nov-2012
bbFYI - we'll start promoting the 1MM posts event on Monday01-Nov-2012
gurpreetsingh670 to 710 a long journey without destination :) still Happy31-Oct-2012
walkerRe: GMAT ToolKit: iPhone/iPod/iPad/Android application24-Oct-2012
walkerRe: GMAT ToolKit: iPhone/iPod/iPad/Android application23-Oct-2012
walkerRe: GMAT ToolKit: iPhone/iPod/iPad/Android application23-Oct-2012
piyatiwariRe: GMATClub Contest!!!18-Oct-2012
bbThe Official Guide for GMAT © Review 13th Edition12-Oct-2012
piyatiwariRe: Messed up verbal section 640 (Q50, V27)11-Oct-2012
KarishmaBRe: For Verbal I had first 20 out of 41 right & latter 21 wrong08-Oct-2012
iglooAwesome Collection of Ron's SC Tips04-Oct-2012
kamalkicksIs gmatclubtoolkit coming on android platform ? POLL please25-Sep-2012
Aximili85640, 640, 710, 740 - For those weak in Quant04-Sep-2012

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