Kudos given to other GMAT Club members

rickyric395 owns 73 Kudos, gave away 55 Kudos.

BunuelComplete 1000 GMAT Critical Reasoning Series (CR-1000 Series) Question26-Aug-2024
BunuelRe: Seven pieces of rope have an average (arithmetic mean) lengt26-Aug-2024
WalkaboutSeven pieces of rope have an average (arithmetic mean) lengt23-Aug-2024
Sajjad1994Re: 2019-2024 Integrated Reasoning/Data Insights Butlers and Competitions04-Feb-2024
AjiteshArunIn the mid-1970s, since birds were overcome by pollution, and routinel03-Nov-2023
egmatUsage of Verb-ing Modifiers - Part 131-Oct-2023
BunuelThe Discreet Charm of the DS30-Oct-2023
admitStreetChat post18-Oct-2023
rishabhbansal101Re: A photographer will arrange 6 people of 6 different heights15-Sep-2023
Sajjad1994GMAT Club's Reading Comprehension (RC) Quiz-II 202330-Aug-2023
JonShukhratRe: Michelangelo, it is believed, had made his sculpture of David using an22-Aug-2023
LogicGuru1Re: In an experiment, each volunteer was allowed to choose between an easy19-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: A new law gives ownership of patentsdocuments providing exclusive rig18-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: Virtually all eligible voters who took part in a recent survey of18-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: The foundation works to strengthen local and regional agricultural10-Aug-2023
AnishPassiA moderately large city is redesigning its central downtown area and09-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be hazardous09-Aug-2023
KarishmaBRe: Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy30-Jul-2023
BunuelHow to Go From a 48 to 51 in GMAT Quant25-Jul-2023
IshanSainiRe: Around the World in 80 Questions (Day 5): Two workers, Larry and Jerry22-Jul-2023
TheprinceRe: Around the World in 80 Questions (Day 3): If x and y are consecutive20-Jul-2023
sdasConsolodited QUANT GUIDES of Forum Most Helpful in Preps20-Jul-2023
BunuelRe: Around the World in 80 Questions - GMAT Competition Jul 17-28, 202319-Jul-2023
GMATNinjaRe: As criminal activity on the Internet becomes more and more sophisticat25-May-2023
anairamitch1804Re: Less than 35 years after the release of African honeybees outside Sao25-May-2023
Sajjad1994Re: 2019-2024 Integrated Reasoning/Data Insights Butlers and Competitions30-Mar-2023
trahul4There are 2 bars of gold-silver alloy; one piece has 2 parts16-Mar-2023
pushpitkc40 skilled employees need 60 days to complete a project while working13-Mar-2023

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