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AndrewN owns 7074 Kudos, gave away 500 Kudos.

samhitaram22Re: Antonia Castañeda has utilized scholarship from women’s studies and Me06-Dec-2024
GinnyKThe annual stockholders' report for Corporation X stated that profits05-Dec-2024
shashi.kulkarniRe: The only purpose for which a particular type of tape is needed is to05-Dec-2024
Puja12345Since smoking-related illnesses are a serious health problem in Count04-Dec-2024
agrasanRe: Airline Representative: The percentage of flight delays caused by airl04-Dec-2024
Aashwin17Re: Educational Theorist: Recent editorials have called for limits on the04-Dec-2024
sunitamistryyCorrespondences were a method of thought and expression used originall02-Dec-2024
durgeshrallapalliRe: City leader: If our city adopts the new tourism plan, the amount o02-Dec-2024
Priya0528Which of the following is not a factor of the solution to the equation02-Dec-2024
NjoguAn international basketball tournament will be held in either Nation02-Dec-2024
lab123Six cards numbered from 1 to 6 are placed in an empty bowl. First one01-Dec-2024
A_JamilovSix cards numbered from 1 to 6 are placed in an empty bowl. First one01-Dec-2024
jojo2345Re: The Farmsley Film and Performing Arts Center was built three years ago01-Dec-2024
fizzydrink98Re: Educational Theorist: Recent editorials have called for limits on the30-Nov-2024
mbaaccount1234Re: City leader: If our city adopts the new tourism plan, the amount o30-Nov-2024
Shreya134Re: The table lists the women enrolled as a percent of the total enrollmen30-Nov-2024
ssinghal087Re: The proposed cutbacks in the Federal Food Assistance Program for Child29-Nov-2024
rahulaus17Since smoking-related illnesses are a serious health problem in Count29-Nov-2024
UmgoelSince smoking-related illnesses are a serious health problem in Count29-Nov-2024
Acdc1Re: The Farmsley Film and Performing Arts Center was built three years ago29-Nov-2024
DameyRe: Educational Theorist: Recent editorials have called for limits on the28-Nov-2024
ABDGUNTURRe: Supply shortages and signs of growing demand are driving cocoa prices28-Nov-2024
ukeetsSix cards numbered from 1 to 6 are placed in an empty bowl. First one25-Nov-2024
keoowll22A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing24-Nov-2024
zooooyRe: Research suggests that people who feel protected from a specific type24-Nov-2024
AnuramaaRe: M07-1223-Nov-2024
Feb2024Re: Beginning last year, the B & M Foundation has funded a $400-million23-Nov-2024
agrasanRe: To reduce traffic congestion, City X's transportation bureau plans to23-Nov-2024
VirusinsaneRe: M07-2422-Nov-2024
Nivedita63Crowding on Moorevilles subway frequently leads to delays, because it21-Nov-2024

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