Kudos owned by the user

Avinash_R1 owns 22 Kudos, gave away 56 Kudos.

JaneyjnyyRe: At a certain fruit stand, the price of each apple is 40 cents and the13-Oct-2024
KrissHuertasConsumer advocate: There is no doubt that the government08-Nov-2023
EmmaStarkConsumer advocate: There is no doubt that the government08-Jun-2023
maidul.haqueConsumer advocate: There is no doubt that the government22-Apr-2022
tryyourbestRe: Whereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more establish12-Oct-2021
saahuluRe: For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to10-Mar-2021
NiwasConsumer advocate: There is no doubt that the government14-Nov-2020
bitorbyteRe: For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to09-Jun-2020
krish9679Consumer advocate: There is no doubt that the government24-Feb-2019
crazyasian1Re: For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to07-Jan-2019
RaghuReddyRe: I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all in29-Nov-2018
EgzonOsmaniRe: If x is an integer, is x|x|<2^x ?05-Nov-2018
shulee1332234Re: I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all in22-Sep-2018
Ankit75Re: I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all in08-Sep-2018
NikhilRe: I submit that impact of solid bodies is the most fundamental of all in04-Sep-2018
jewelmmeRe: If x is an integer, is x|x|<2^x ?01-Aug-2018

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