Kudos owned by the user

MaheshDuggirala owns 11 Kudos, gave away 166 Kudos.

Sashank22For how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo04-Sep-2023
elmaxdjfFor how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo24-Jul-2023
rishabhtankFor how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo26-May-2023
Pankaj0901Re: In 1979, John A. Eddy of the High Altitude Observatory and Aram A. Bo29-Sep-2020
varmashreekanthFor how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo22-Jul-2020
Chaitali2706Re: The cell phone is progressing rapidly from being a simple communicatio20-Apr-2020
saukritFor how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo10-Nov-2018
dimmakRe: Just over 5% of road fatalities in 2009 have been caused by08-Sep-2018
dave13For how many ordered pairs (x, y) that are solutions of the system abo03-Apr-2018

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