Kudos owned by the user

MartyTargetTestPrep owns 5359 Kudos, gave away 1431 Kudos.

dtxgmatGMAT Practice Tip - The Streaks Method11-Jan-2025
FediseK700+Re: If S = 1 + 1/2^2 + 1/3^2 + 1/4^2 + 1/5^2 + 1/6^2 + 1/7^2 + 1/8^2 + 1/911-Jan-2025
NPProbLongview Prep Board Member: Our student body has a drug problem.09-Jan-2025
Ray_JoshiEconomist: Drastically cutting payroll costs by reducing corporate sta31-Dec-2024
agrasanStudies have shown that elderly people who practice a religion are muc29-Dec-2024
agrasanRe: Studies have shown that elderly people who practice a religion are muc29-Dec-2024
LYXlyxRe: Under laboratory conditions, fruit flies can learn to respond to odors28-Dec-2024
ElenambaRe: Accuracy required for a 700 score26-Dec-2024
tofaninoffRe: The closing price of Stock X changed on each trading day last month.26-Dec-2024
EFGH123If pqr = 1 then 1/(1 + p + q^(1)) + 1/(1 + q + r^( 1)) + 1/(1 + r +23-Dec-2024
agrasanNear Chicago a newly built hydroponic spinach factory, a completely20-Dec-2024
PloveerRe: It was once believed that the brain was independent of meta18-Dec-2024
FediseK700+Re: People with a college degree are more likely than others to search for18-Dec-2024
Abdelaali91Re: Most banks that issue credit cards charge interest rates on credit car18-Dec-2024
agrasanRe: Most banks that issue credit cards charge interest rates on credit car15-Dec-2024
anon3612Re: List T consist of 30 positive decimals, none of which is an integer13-Dec-2024
tjvkssaRe: A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection ca13-Dec-2024
FCK89Re: According to a recent large-scale survey of peoplewho had purchased11-Dec-2024
alexandrasassaSince the routine use of antibiotics can give rise to resistant bacter11-Dec-2024
LYXlyxGeographer: "Sorted circles" are patterned geological formations10-Dec-2024
Vara_13Some commentators complain that a “litigation explosion” in the past10-Dec-2024
hkharbanda05Some commentators complain that a “litigation explosion” in the past09-Dec-2024
rshah_Some commentators complain that a “litigation explosion” in the past09-Dec-2024
hsheajayRe: A certain brand of pest repellent has been shown by several06-Dec-2024
MrAnmolRe: Political opinion and analysis outside the mainstream rarely are found06-Dec-2024
agrasanRe: It is generally believed that people receiving frequent medical checku04-Dec-2024
agrasanRe: NowNews, although still the most popular magazine covering cultural03-Dec-2024
LYXlyxRe: The 10 students in a history class recently took an examination. What03-Dec-2024
agrasanEnvironmentalist: The commissioner of the Fish and Game Authority woul30-Nov-2024
agrasanRe: Country X's recent stock-trading scandal should not diminish investors28-Nov-2024

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