May 14, 2021

Joined: Jun 24, 2019

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GMATClub Tests review


GMATClub tests are a must if you are targeting Q50+. The level of the GMATClub test questions are definitely one notch higher than the questions that you can expect on the real test.
Quants questions are beautifully crafted and test your core understanding of the concept. If I'm not wrong, GMATClub tests have close to 1200+ questions and cover every core concept that is required for the D-day. It also provides a 'Bookmarks' option that is very helpful.
I found the analytics to be very useful. It helps you gauge your current level and always keeps you on your toes. It shows metrics and analytics based on the number of questions, level of questions, time taken and other factors.
I also found the 'Collections' feature to be very useful. It contains collection of real hard questions that prepares you well for the D-Day.
I would also like to give you a heads up to not lose your sanity while giving the test. They might appear hard but after reviewing your mistakes and learning new methodologies, you will scream, "Ahh! Was it that easy?"
It has helped me learn tips and tricks that can be used to answer certain topics.
Overall, a great product!

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