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GMAT Question of the Day (Oct 14): Arithmetic and Sentence Correction

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Math (DS)

Is integer Z odd?

1. \frac{Z}{3} is odd
2. 3Z is odd

OA and Explanation

Verbal (SC)

As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.

(A) As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(B) Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(C) Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming
(D) The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream
(E) The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous streaming

OA and Explanation