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No Uniformity in Pay Among European MBAs 0

A recent pay data analysis shows significant differences in salaries earned by b-school alumni across Europe, reports a Financial Times article. Here are some of the findings:

  • EMBA graduates earned the highest salaries. On average, these MBAs are 34-years-old and have nine years of professional experience upon entering their programs.
  • The median European EMBA grad salary three years after program completion is €91,000 ($124,500).
  • Graduates who hold a master's in management (and who were about 22-years-old when they started their programs), make on average about half that much (€45,000).
  • German business master's graduates make on average about €14,000 more per year than do graduates in other European countries. Master's graduates in Spain report the lowest median salary at €38,000.

For more details on the pay disparities across Europe, see "Earning potential varies across Europe." ~ Helping You Write Your Best