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GMAT Question of the Day (Aug 30): Arithmetic and Sentence Correction

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Math (PS)

If XY is divisible by 4, which of the following must be true?

(A) If X is even then Y is odd.
(B) If X = \sqrt{2} then Y is not a positive integer.
(C) If X is 0 then X + Y is not 0.
(D) X^Y is even.
(E) \frac{X}{Y} is not an integer.

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Verbal (SC)

A group of students who have begun to clean up Frederick Law Olmstead's Morning Park in New York City believes that the park needs not to be redesigned but to be returned to its former condition.

(A) believes that the park needs not to be redesigned but to
(B) believe that the park needs to not be redesigned but to
(C) believes that the park needs not to be redesigned but could
(D) believe that the park needs not to be redesigned but to
(E) believe that the park needs not to be redesigned but that it

Answers to the questions: B, A
For explanations please see these threads: math and verbal

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