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Your GMAT Score as a First-Cut Metric

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Your GMAT Score as a First-Cut Metric

Many candidates ask whether the GMAT score sometimes function as a “first-cut metric,” a term we coined here at MBA The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

Your GMAT score is one of the factors that top MBA programs use to simply cut an application without giving it serious consideration, regardless of how wonderful the overall candidacy might be. Generally, if your score is not above the 500s, you are risking that your GMAT score is going to bring you an automatic rejection at the very top U.S. business schools. Once you are in the 600s, whether you will be cut based on a GMAT score is a matter of your profile and the overall strength of your candidacy. But, some candidates who come from the most competitive profiles, like Indian foreign national male engineers, often need to be above the 710 mark to be competitive at the Top-5 MBA programs.

Take a good look at the average or median GMAT score for the top MBA programs to which you intend to apply to determine whether your GMAT score is an asset or potentially puts you at risk. GMAT scores are very important, so invest time in studying, practicing, and if necessary, taking a structured course in order to improve your score to a level where it can keep you competitive.

Dr. Shel (Shelly Watts)
President, MBA