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GMAT Question of the Day (September 14)

Jeff 0


A draining pipe can empty a pool in 4 hours. On a rainy day, when the pool is full, the draining pipe is opened and the pool is emptied in 6 hours. If rain inflow into the pool is 3 liters per hour, what is the capacity of the pool?

A. 9 liters
B. 18 liters
C. 27 liters
D. 36 liters
E. 45 liters


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer- D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)
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Diamond Enterprises is a store in Apisville that sells specialty luxury items. For several years, Diamond reaped substantial profits and was considering building branch stores in nearby counties. Stibium Industries, for several years the single largest employer in Apisville and the surrounding region, abruptly closed its plant last year, causing widespread unemployment. Only a fraction of the former Stibium workers have found new jobs, and many of these at much lower wages. Early this year, Diamond Enterprises has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, citing the closure of Stibium as one of the primary causes.

Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage?

A. Diamond Enterprises would have avoided bankruptcy if it had followed through with the plan to build branch stores during its more prosperous years.

B. Stibium's management team had a corporate account with Diamond Enterprises, and ordered several luxury items used in business meetings and to entertain prospective clients.

C. Diamond's direct competitors, in Apisville and in the surrounding region, are much larger than Diamond, and therefore benefitted substantially from the conditions that arose after Stibium closed.

D. The closure of Stibium resulted in a loss of revenue for Diamond Enterprises.

E. After Stibium Industry closed, Diamond Enterprises was the single largest employer in Apisville.


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer- D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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