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GMAT Question of the Day (July 3)

Jeff 0


10 engineers and 3 designers have volunteered to work on a project. If the project team must consist of 3 engineers and 2 designers, in how many different ways can the team be formed?

A. 360
B. 400
C. 420
D. 450
E. 600


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

A. devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere

B. devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated

C. devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

D. devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

E. the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.


Correct Answer - E - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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