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GMAT Question of the Day (December 19)

Jeff 0


Arabica coffee costs $0.4 per ounce while Robusta coffee costs $0.3 per ounce. If the blend of Arabica and Robusta costs $0.33 per ounce, what is the share of Arabica in this blend?

A. 20%
B. 24%
C. 30%
D. 33%
E. 40%

Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


Unlike the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long , the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka are concentrated in the monsoon months, June to September, and the skies are generally clear for the rest of the year.
(A) Unlike the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in
most parts of Sri Lanka
(B) Unlike the United States farmers who can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, the rains in
most parts of Sri Lanka
(C) Unlike those of the United States, where farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long,
most parts of Sri Lanka's rains
(D) In comparison with the United States, whose farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long,
the rains in most parts of Sri Lanka
(E) In the United States, farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, but in most parts of Sri
Lanka the rains

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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