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GMAT Question of the Day (April 18)

Jeff 0


Set S comprises all prime integers less than 1000. What is the range of set S ?

A. 982
B. 988
C. 992
D. 995
E. 997


Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Math Revolution


Building on civilizations that preceded them in coastal Peru, the Mochica developed their own elaborate society, based on cultivating such crops like corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and shellfish, and exploiting other wild and domestic resources.

(A) based on cultivating such crops like corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and shellfish, and exploiting

(B) based on the cultivation of such crops as corn and beans, the harvesting of fish and seafood, and the exploitation of

(C) and basing it on the cultivation of crops like corn and beans, harvesting fish and seafood, and the exploiting of

(D) and they based it on their cultivation of crops such as corn and beans, the harvest of fish and seafood, and exploiting

(E) and they based it on their cultivating such crops like corn and beans, their harvest of fish and shellfish, and they exploited


Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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