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Dartmouth (Tuck) Essay Analysis 2019-2020

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Dartmouth Tuck’s essay prompts got a little harder this year.

Bucking the larger trend in MBA admissions towards shorter piecemeal prompts, Tuck has concatenated last year’s batch of goals-related short answer questions into one larger goals essay. The overall topic is essentially the same, but applicants will now have to put in slightly more work to balance the various elements and structure their thoughts.

The adcom has also changed  “Tell us who you are and what you will contribute” to “Tell us who you are,” a more open-ended approach that puts the onus on the applicant to make their case MBA-relevant. This could invite some misfires from less savvy applicants–probably a net positive for the type of applicant who reads the Admisisonado blog! Here are our new essay analyses, part of a continuing series:

Tuck School of Business Essay Analyses!


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