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Success Possible at Wharton, Columbia after HBS Rejection?

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One question I receive from candidates frequently at this time of year, after HBS releases its Round 1 admissions decisions, is whether it is possible for a good candidate to achieve admissions success at top schools like Wharton, Columbia, Booth, Kellogg, Berkeley, or Tuck in Round 2 after they have been rejected from HBS in Round 1.

The general answer is, yes, success is often possible. Many of the top business schools recognize that they will receive applications from great candidates in Round 2 because many great candidates wait until their winter breaks from work to prepare their applications (their jobs often keep them too busy to apply earlier). So, the schools have kept enough seats available to give deep consideration to great candidates.

Also remember, for those who applied in Round 1 and underwent an admissions interview, you now have more knowledge about the MBA admissions process and can likely deliver an even better interview in Round 2.

With regard specifically to Columbia, that admissions process is “rolling.” Therefore, Columbia is somewhat less time-sensitive than other schools that have a Round 2 deadline in January. That is, many candidates can submit an application to Columbia in February or March and still do well. But, if you are able, try to apply to Columbia before early-January (Columbia has a deadline for merit scholarship consideration in early January, and the school receives a large volume of applications at that time as candidates try to apply in time to be considered for a merit scholarship).

Above all, it is important that you don’t get overly-discouraged after poor outcomes in Round 1. There are many outstanding business school programs. Try to identify why you did not gain admission to your top business school(s) in Round 1, and then move forward in Round 2 preparing your applications in ways that try to avoid the same mistakes.

Do you need assistance in preparing an outstanding application to an MBA program? Feel free to reach out to us!

Best wishes,
Dr. Shel (Shelly Watts)
President, MBA