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Posts published in “GMAT Prep”

Posts about GMAT preparation

Kaplan GMAT Sample Problem: Prime Factors

Kaplan 0

Dealing with prime numbers and prime factors is an essential GMAT skill. Technically it is a skill we learned as early as elementary school/early school age, however just because it…

Kaplan GMAT Sample Problem: Average Speed

Kaplan 0

Knowing how to use the distance = rate x time formula in various permutations will help you tremendously on the classic GMAT speed word problems. Just remember that when asked…

Exponent Errors on the GMAT

Kaplan 0

Exponent questions are among those that give GMAT-preppers the most difficulty. The key to answering exponent questions correctly is to remember all of the rules you must follow. For example,…

Multiplication Shortcuts on the GMAT

Kaplan 0

When working on the GMAT quantitative section, it is always important to remember that the questions are written so that they can be completed within about a two-minute timeframe. If…