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GMAT Question of the Day (Feb 3): Geometry and Sentence Correction

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Math (DS)

If in triangle ABC angle ABC is the largest and point D lies on segment AC, is the area of triangle ABD larger than that of triangle DBC?

1. AD < DC[/latex] 2. [latex]AB < BC[/latex] OA and Explanation

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Verbal (SC)

The U.S. Forest Service, then five years old, decided to put out every fire in its domain, and within three decades the agency formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished quicker than they had been in the past.

(A) within three decades the agency formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished quicker than they had been in the past.
(B) within three decades the agency has formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished quicker than they had been in the past.
(C) within three decades the agency had formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished quicker than they had been in the past.
(D) within three decades the agency formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished more quickly than they had been in the past.
(E) within three decades the agency has formulated what it called the 10 A.M. policy, directing that fires be extinguished more quickly than they had been in the past.

OA and Explanation

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