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Posts tagged as “GMAT”

Will Your Anxiety Hurt Your GMAT/GRE Score? 0

It’s natural to be anxious about the GRE or GMAT – after all, your future educational options could depend on how well you perform. But the bind is this: if…

Reasons to Take the GMAT (Beyond Getting into B-School) 0

Let's face it: very few people actually take the GMAT unless they're applying to business schools that require it. The GMAT is notoriously difficult, and no other type of grad…

GMAT Exam Updated to Offer Greater Control and Flexibility 0

The Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) announced the inauguration of Select Section Order, a new feature that will allow candidates to customize their GMAT experience by selecting the order in…

The GMAT and Your MBA Admissions Profile 0

The GMAT, along with your undergraduate academic performance, is the most commonly used predictor of how you will do in the MBA coursework and plays a key role in the…

How Hard do I Need to Study to Crack the GMAT? 0

There’s a questions university professors hate to hear: “How hard do I have to study for this?” You’ve probably learned to be shy about asking just how much (or how…

The GMAT and the Law of Diminishing Returns 0

There is a time in every applicant’s life where you need to look long and hard at your GMAT score and ask: “Is my score high enough to get me…

Your GMAT Isn’t You – Is It? 0

Every year, MBA applicants call us to ask whether their profile (GPA, GMAT, work experience) is competitive at the schools they’re targeting. It’s a question we take seriously and address…