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Posts tagged as “mba interview help”

3 Tips for Your Team-Based Discussion Interview 0

Wharton’s interview invitations are out and some of you are lucky enough to be facing Wharton’s innovative Team-Based Discussion, also known as the TBD.  Personally, I consider this evaluation method…

4 Tips For Team Interviews 0

Since so much of b-school life and learning includes team discussions, the adcom needed a tool for assessing how applicants will fit in the team-based discussion culture of their programs. Thus,…

MBA Admissions: Preparing For The Interview 0

"MBA Admissions: Preparing For The Interview" is the latest post in our series Navigate the MBA Maze. Here are three key tips on how to present yourself during those crucial…

Why Do You Need an MBA? 0

Reason for asking the question: The interviewer wants to make sure your reasons for getting an MBA match up with what the MBA degree will provide you. How to prepare: This is hopefully one…