Well the "big" schools (or the 2 I am going for) state on their web sites that if you applied once and did not make it, you should not bother to try again......I find that hard to believe though.
But well, I have decided to rewrite the GMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!! It feels as if this test has taken complete control of my life! What about you guys?
Apparently around the end i.e. before the final deadline of an intake group, there are only a few seats left and the competition gets harder to get in...so I don't think my 580 will go too far at this point!
Probably your reasoning is correct, unfortunately.
If there are a few seats and a lot of applicants, the adcom my try to weed out the low gmat folks first as not to bother reading application essays too much. (I am still not completely sure about the process and about who reads the essays, but this is my impression).
That's a little cruel too about one chance
Sounds like Europe
I am from "europe" by the way if Ukraine counts, which it probably does not.
I had GMAT as the goal of my life for about half a year. At some point I almost forgot that I have to do smth else. It is actually quite a bummer when you do well on the gmat and then you have to do the essays, and I really suck in this field. I think I have invested too much time and effort in teh GMAT that I almost was disgusted with the whole application thing and ran out of juice for essays and the rest....