Despite the criticism in the early 1890’s that if journalists use pictures the intellectual quality of publications would diminish, by the late 1890’s photographs were found in most newspapers and magazines.
(A) that if journalists use pictures the intellectual quality of publications would diminish,
(B) that if journalists use pictures it will diminish the intellectual quality of publications,
(C) that the use of pictures by journalists would diminish the intellectual quality of publications,
(D) of the intellectual quality of publications being diminished by the use of pictures by journalists,
(E) of the use of pictures by journalists diminish the intellectual quality of publications,
This is a GMAT Prep Question and the answer is C.
In Option A and Option B do you think that the usage of present tense "use" correct? Because the criticism happened in the past and the criticism is not continued till date.
Apart from this the If___ Then___ construction is correct in B, but incorrect in A. Right?
Three Conditionals tested -
Likely - If Simple Present then Simple future.
Unlikely - If Simple Past then Clause beginning with Would.
Impossible- If Past Perfect then Clause beginning with Would
I request you sir to please help me with Option C, D and E.
I couldn't understand how "would" is correct in Option C.