I've already used all ETS tests (2)
What is the "close to real" adaptive tests that I can use that can give me the cloest score to the score that I will get in the real test.
I have: Kaplan, Princeton and Crack.
Can you advise?
Actually, you have a pretty high Kaplan score. I am not sure why. I have used the Kaplan's CD for tests and the closest to the top I got was like 640 total. I kept running out of time on those things...
I think out of the whole list, 800-score may be the closest, but I have not used it. Some say it is somewhat comperable.
I would suggest, just work with Kaplan's though - the verbal is a little screwed up but you can switch fairly easily. I have never seen
the Official Guide before I took the test, and studied using only Kaplan. I took one PP test before going to the ETS, and that's it. So, it is possible to switch from Kaplan's to Real GMAT. However, I wished I had a chance to peek into the
OG. I missed one probability problem, for i was not prepared to see one...
Alternatively you can work with
OG and take Kaplan Tests just for the test practice - to polish time management, etc.