My two target schools are Emory and Georgia Tech, both evening programs. Emory states a GMAT 80% Range of 560-720 while GT is 530-680.
What should my target score be for entry? I have always been very challenged by math, so I am concerned about my abilities here and want to be realistic about my scoring abilities.
For what it's worth, my undergraduate cum GPA was a 3.5 with a degree in operations management/supply chain from a large state school. I've been out of school for ~5 years. I have been employed by two F500 companies since graduation in positions of increasing responsibility. I could also be considered a LGBT diversity candidate if that's a thing?
Thank you.
Mid-80% means that 80% of the class falls in that range. And 10% may be below and 10% may be above that percentage. All the schools list the average scores. If you can either meet the average score or at least 10 points above the average, you have a good chance of getting in the school.
Hope it helps...