Hello Guys,
Whenever I take the
gmat club tests , i generally get 8-9 questions wrong, and during the review I just realise that it could just be 2-3 questions. I generally oversee things like , considering case of 0 or negative numbers, etc. Or overlooking a constraint given in the question that maximum number can be 150. How to reduce such mistakes? Also I got a Q49 in my gmat exam, which I believe is due to my lack of proper time management and overlooking obvious constraints. Please help with with this regard.
This is a very common problem that students face in Quants, Silly mistakes.
Few reasons for silly mistakes can be lack of concentration, anxiety, not having in depth knowledge of theory, using substitution methods & solving approach for DS.
Few suggestions:
1. Get the theory part absolutely in place. Most importantly Number properties, word problems where most people do silly mistakes
2. Avoid substitution methods completely. It’s hard to score a Q50/51 with substitution methods
3. DS: Make sure you always check for few points in DS questions
a. Whether integer is mentioned or not
b. Check for properties such as 0<x<1 and x>1
c. Remember lowest value of x^2 is 0 and NOT positive.
d. If you have to substitute in DS, don’t forget to check for positive, negative and at 0.
4. Don’t start solving when a question pops up on the screen. Allow yourself few seconds to understand the question and which concept you are going to use.
5. Do timed practise. Select 31 questions (16 DS, 15 PS) and try finishing in 62 minutes. Get your practise in the exam mode once you’re theory is done with.
6. Most important to look out for Q50/51 is the strategy. Make sure your initial questions are right to touch high level questions (at least first 10 questions)
Hope it helps.
All the best.
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