Like other French generals of the time, General Serrail was an architect of war, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, demanded that the Greek army demobilizes.A. Like other French generals of the time, General Serrail was an architect of war, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, demanded that the Greek army demobilizes
This answer choice is grammatically incorrect. Demand is one of the nine verbs to which the Subjunctive rule applies (if it is followed by that). This means that the next verb after demanded that should be in base form. However, demobilizes is not in base form.
What helps us identify this question as a Subjunctive question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign:
propose/recommend/require/request/insist/suggest/mandate/ask/demand that
Whenever you come across this Stop Sign, make sure that the following verb is in its base form. B. Like other French generals of the time were, General Serrail was an architect of war, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, demanded that the Greek army demobilize
Although this answer choice corrects the original Subjunctive error by using the base form of a verb that follows demanded that (demobilize), it is grammatically incorrect. The like section should not include a conjugated verb. In this answer choice, however, the like section includes a conjugated verb (Like other French generals of the time were).
What helps us identify this question as a Comparative question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign:
C. General Serrail was an architect of war like other French generals of the time were, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, he demanded that the Greek army demobilize
Although this answer choice corrects the original Subjunctive error by using the base form of a verb that follows demanded that (demobilize), it is grammatically incorrect. The like section should not include a conjugated verb. In this answer choice, however, the like section includes a conjugated verb (like other French generals of the time were).
What helps us identify this question as a Comparative question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign:
D. General Serrail, like other French generals of the time, was an architect of war, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, demanded that the Greek army was demobilizing
This answer choice is grammatically incorrect and repeats the original Subjunctive error. Demand is one of the nine verbs to which the Subjunctive rule applies (if it is followed by that). This means that the next verb after demanded that should be in base form. However, was demobilizing is not in base form.
What helps us identify this question as a Subjunctive question as well as identify the mistake is the following Stop Sign:
propose/recommend/require/request/insist/suggest/mandate/ask/demand that
Whenever you come across this Stop Sign, make sure that the following verb is in its base form. E. General Serrail, like other French generals of the time, was an architect of war, and in 1916, in a move to further the control of the central powers over the Balkans, demanded that the Greek army demobilize
Demand is one of the nine verbs to which the Subjunctive rule applies (if it is followed by that). This means that the next verb after demanded that should be in base form. This answer choice, therefore, correctly replaces demobilizes with demobilize.