Hi MarcMoody,
Based on your prior scores (back in the Fall, 2015), your Official Quant Scaled Score is a great improvement. Given BOTH of your Official Scaled Scores though, you have a greater opportunity to pick up points in the Verbal section. This is meant to say that you don't have to restrict your studies to just the Quant section (since there are only so many additional points that you can pick up in that area). In that same way, "Advanced" Quant isn't necessarily what you need either.
1) When was the last time you took a FULL-LENGTH CAT? What were the Quant and Verbal Scaled Scores on that Test?
2) When you reviewed THAT CAT, how often were you getting questions wrong because of silly/little mistakes and how often were you getting questions wrong because they were too hard?
3) In the Verbal Section, how many questions did you 'narrow down to 2 choices, but still get incorrect?'
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,