I am kapil from mumbai India. I have been a regular visitor to the site past 1 month. I really found it extremely helpful especially since I had no one around to help with GMAT.
I scored 710. Q 49 V 37. I would like to share my experience with others because i feel i have been benifitted by similar notes on the forum.
My quant is strong but not used to doing the type of questions that appear on the GMAT. I am into solving differential equations and modeling of chemical reactions but these GMAT questions really baffled me.
I throughly memorized all the formulas in the powerprep math tutorial. the most tricky part is Data suffieicny where innocent looking questions have a simple trick. I needs practice to learn these tricks. I would recommend all those geting above Q 45 in maths practise tests to learn DS tricks.
I am non native so I devoted 60% on my time on SC's. Kaplan SC were tough and lowered my self confidence, actual GMAT questions were simpler. I practised a lot on SC's and referref to a grammer book Wren and martin.
I took alltogether 7 practise tests
PR websit diagnostic : 600
Crack Gmat :600
Kaplan: 620, 570, 570
PP : 710, 750
On the actual test, 3rd question was a probability and overall i got 3 probability question. No standard deviation but got a question on range.
Last 10 questions were easy.
verbal started with SC, total 4 RC with 3-4 questions.
My mistakes -
1. No preperation on essays, i made a mess of my essay questions
2. I attempted questions in a hurry, I had 25 minutes in Q and 20 min in V section to spare. But i sacrificed accuracy because i didnt times myself well. I advice all to prepare their strategy before giving PP tests and firm it up.