Thanks in advance for you guys' help. I attach two ESRs which correspond to my Apr 15th and Jan 19th exams respectively. My biggest issue is SC (it seems relatively better in my first attempt) which is only 40% percentile this time. In terms of RC, I have a distaste for social science (politics, literature etc.), which contribute to my super low correction% in my second set of questions..I'm very confused about my prep strategies since I exhausted all GMAC prep and
MGMAT practice tests,
OG and
OG verbal I aim to score 740+ partly because I'm from a overrepresented pool of MBA candidates (East Asia+financial services industry)..I'm thinking of giving my last shot in late May. Also open to private tutoring opportunities in NYC.
Thank you!!
Now that I have a bit more time, let me get to the details of your ESRs. First of all, 720 is a good score - good enough for any school. Additionally, you have more than 80 percentile in both Quant and Verbal which means you are in the "safe zone". Not that schools have such hard filters but a balanced score looks much better and your score is quite balanced.
That said, if you want to make a difference to your score to give yourself a bit of an edge, aim for 760+. A 720 and 740 are not much different in the eyes of the adcom. Most of your score increase will come from Verbal. Your sentence correction took a big hit in your second attempt. Suggest you to check out our SC video here: check out our blog posts on sentence correction: for RC, you could get passages from any subject area so I would suggest you to read up on social sciences. It might be a bit uninteresting for you at first, but it is necessary to develop a basic comfort with all subject areas. Just like a person from social sciences background may struggle with, say, science passages but would need to build up some basic comfort in those.