Hi ghostman6060,
Based on what you wrote in your original post, it sounds like you retook a practice CAT that you had already taken. If that is true, then unfortunately that is NOT a realistic way to assess your skills (seeing even a few 'repeat' questions can completely throw off the scoring algorithm, your energy/anxiety levels, pacing, etc.). By extension, we wouldn't be able to assume that you're currently at the "660 level." As such, you might want to take a NEW, FULL-LENGTH CAT.
Beyond that point, you'll likely find it beneficial to work through a 'mix' of Quant and Verbal each week. In addition, attempting to 'nail down' all of the 'theory' first isn't necessarily the most effective way to hone your skills. A 750+ score is essentially the 99th percentile - meaning that 99% of Test Takers never score that high regardless of how long they study or the number of times that they take the GMAT. Thankfully, NO Business School actually requires a score that high. If you are dead-set on that score goal though, you would likely find it beneficial to invest in a GMAT Course of some type (either Guided Self-Study or instructor-led).
1) When are you planning to take the GMAT?
2) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
3) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,