I have been studying negation for last 3 days and i am clear about most of the concepts. i understand the usage of ALL,SOME, MOST, EVERY, etc.But in sentences where these markers aren't present[/color] i seem to lose track example of such sentences is given below.How do we deal with them. please help..
1)The tax increase will result in more revenue for the government.
2. The council member could reverse her position.
4. The pattern of behavior in adolescents is not necessarily determined by
the environment they are raised in.
5. Organic farming methods promote crop resistance to pest attack.
Negated 1)The tax increase will
not result in more revenue for the government.
2. The council member could
not reverse her position.
4. The pattern of behavior in adolescents is
not necessarily determined by
the environment they are raised in.
5. Organic farming methods
do not promote crop resistance to pest attack.