780 GMAT 51Q 45V
I attended a small liberal arts school that ranks ~50.
Majors: Actuarial Science, Finance
Minor: Computer Science
GPA: 2.73, I screwed up pretty bad going into college taking 3/400 level courses and Chinese. A's marks in statistics courses.
(I should have cared more in my Gen Eds as well)
WE: Started 2 months ago, will have ~1 Year at the time I would matriculate. I work at Northern Trust(A top custody bank) in Institutional Fund Accounting.
Internship: New York Life-40 Days while attending Columbia University Summer Session (Linear Algebra & Ordinary Diff EQ, A & B marks respectively).
Passed Actuarial Exams 1/P and 2/FM, taking 3/MFE in the Fall and CFA Level 1 in December.
Programming Background
Java Matlab
C++, C#, C SPSS
Python Ruby
Extracurriculars: Chinese Club(Exec), Actuarial Science Club(President), CUAB(College Union Activities Board), LEVerage(Leadership, Ethics, Values)
Currently working on creating Algo Trading Software, and am at the point where it is semi-automated. Mainly using the Black-Scholes Equation with
my own set parameters and risk metrics to create trade algos on options.
Planning to apply:
MITSloan MFin
CBS MS Financial Economics
NYU Tanden MS Financial Engineering
Vanderbilt MFin
WUSTL Olin MS Quantitative Finance
HEC Paris MSc International Finance
(Still researching to see what programs fit best and allow either a broad enough scope or enough quantitative aspects)
Please provide any feedback and suggestions that you can. Thanks in advance!