rishimarde. This question does not look even remotely GMAT™-like to me, and seeing the solution posted above by
Kinshook only strengthens my view. The exam tests the ability to apply sound reasoning to a problem, not work through needlessly large numbers. Furthermore, I am not sure whether to take the second sentence at face value or to consider it a typo:
Pump A creates a liter per minute.
If pump A does indeed
create a liter per minute, then the value of
a is 1. If
liter is supposed to say
liters instead, then the problem will produce different values for the three unknowns. I would advise you to abandon such a poorly phrased and thought out question. I think
GmatTutorKnight pointed you in the right direction. If you need to read more theory on Work/Rate problems, I would suggest you check out the
main page of the Quantitative thread under the Announcements subsection.
Good luck with your studies.
- Andrew