I took my first GMAT attempt this morning (Feb 1st) and scored 650 (V26 Q50), IR6. I canceled my score immediately as I'm aiming for top business schools, which prefer 730+.
I have been practicing for 2 months now, bought 6 office practice exams from GMAC (score four 620+, two 700 first attempt and all 730+ second attempt). I also did many GMAT prep exams online, probably 20 full tests and scored from 630 the first six to 710+ the last fourteen. I read all 10
Manhattan books, some main threads here and somewhere else talking about techniques for Verbals (SC: aims at meaning, parallel, SV, pronoun, modifier; RC: jot down main points in each paragraph and think like the author, what he would prefer and what he wants to know; CR: sticks to the premises and conclusions). I finished my exam on time this morning, but did rush through a few questions without much confidence.
I'm taking CFA Level II on June 6th, approximately 120 days left, and need 300+hrs preparation (average 3hrs/day after work).
I wonder if I should retake the exam on Feb 17th (President's Day), it might be my last chance in the next 6 months. But I don't know if 2 weeks of preparation are enough to boost my score from 650 to 730+ with current foundation (I also have to work 5 days/week). I felt a bit out of look and not in focus during the exam this morning though. I should have nailed it if I can concentrate more. And if I take such a long break, I might have to restudy and my foundation might weaken then.
Here enclosed my ESR report, please advise and let me know whatever you think and what I should do to improve my score now or later after the CFA exam.
Thanks in advance!!
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I cannot update the file but I can put in some Verbal report information here:
Overall: 28 (51st)
Sub section:
+ CR: 38 (78th)
- Analysis/Critique: 100% (correct answers/performance fundamental)
- Construction/Plan: 75%
+ RC: 25 (41st)
- Identify inferred idea: 40%
- Identify stated idea: 80%
+ SC: 25 (39th)
- Grammar: 60%
- Communication 57%
Overall time: 1:48 (mean time and referred time for the past three years is 1:44)
+ CR: 2:04
+ RC: 2:01
+ SC: 1:28
Percent correct divided into 4 equal time quarters during the exam - Average time per response:
+ Q1: 62%/38% (correct/incorrect) - 1:59
+ Q2: 86%/14% - 1:59
+ Q3: 57%/43% - 1:51
+ Q4: 62%/38% - 1:26
Average difficulty for each answer: Incorrects are a stable (almost straight line) just a bit above Medium difficulty
Corrects line goes from mid low-medium (pretty low in first quarter) to right medium then finally slide down a bit in the last two quarters
YOUR TWO CENTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND I TAKE YOUR ADVISE SERIOUSLY. Hope I can make it in time to decide whether to retake the test on President's Day.