I'm looking for input and next steps. I've been studying for a bit and regularly taking practice tests and have recently seen a massive drop-off in practice test scores. I'm looking for any advice on next steps, tips and tricks, or if anyone else has had similar problems. Is this normal?
Here are some details:
1) How long have you studied?
About 60 Hours2) What materials have you used?
MGMAT Books, GMATPrep Online, OG Quant3) Did you take each of these CATs in full (with the Essay and IR sections)?
On each GMATPrep CAT, I did take a full-length simulation.
GMATClub Tests 9-Mar-17
Q24 2
GMATClub Tests 14-Mar-17
Q28 3
GMATClub Tests 17-Mar-17
Q33 4
MGMAT 19-Mar-17
GMATClub Tests 29-Mar-17
Q46 6 GMATPrep 5-Apr-17
Q44/V38/IR7/6707 GMATClub 9-Apr-17
Q39 8 GMATPrep 17-Apr-17
GMATClub Tests 18-Apr-17
Q15 Goals:
4) What is your goal score?
Hunting for a 720
5) When are you planning to take the GMAT?
In 5 weeks6) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
Apply Fall 20187) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
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