The true value of a company can be determined by calculating the net worth of its assets and factoring in the future profit potential of its operations. Higher valued companies command greater prices for their corporate stock. Therefore, a rising stock price indicates that the underlying assets of a company have increased in value or that profit projections for its operations have recently grown.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn above?
(A) stockbrokers frequently attempt to influence the price of a stock by issuing a sales pitch to easily influence clients.
(B) stock traders purchase and sell the stock of a company based on a logical evaluation of the company's true value.
(C) the price of a company's stock can be affected by other factors such as name recognition and past performance.
(D) for some stock traders, companies in specific sectors are considered more desirable than others.
(E) some management teams can increase both the underlying value of a company's assets and its profit potential without witnessing a rise in their company's stock.