There is a piece of folk wisdom expressed in the saying, "If it is not broken, don't fix it." A factory manager who accepted that saying would be least likely to:
(A) Agree to union demands, in the interest of safety, for better lighting in the stairwells and storage areas.
(B) Respond to the difficulty of retaining skilled electronic technicians by establishing an on-site day-care center for small children.
(C) Order the immediate replacement of windows broken in a strike.
(D) Replace the quality control supervisor after receiving several complaints about defective units in recent shipments from the factory.
(E) Institute a program of preventive maintenance for major pieces of production machinery.
Given the argument, What is factory manager least likely to fix? Something which is not
already broken.
A) This does not specify if the union is demanding safety measures as a precaution or as a reaction to some incident that has already happened. So it is ambiguous
B) "Difficulty of retaining skilled electronic technicians" : this is already broken
C) Windows are already broken
D) "Defective units in recent shipments from the factory" this is already broken
E) This option is talking of "preventive maintenance" to
prevent a problem that may arise in future. So nothing is broken here as of now.
Option E is correct option