Hi there! Not sure what you ultimately decided. It's a tough call but I probably would have submitted and then requested the waiver. If the school isn't able to approve your waiver right away, then they'll push your application to Round 2, and that will give you time to retake.
Dear Experts,
Please help! Application submission deadline today.
My TOEFL score is below the score minimum prescribed for a US B-School. I just checked link of my undergraduate college (India) wherein it's mentioned that medium of instruction for my course is english.
I am a qualified CA Charterholder (Chartered Accountant) and hold CFA (CFA Institute, USA) & FRM (GARP, USA) Charters. Considering that (CFA & FRM) charters pertain to US based Institutes and medium of instruction of my UG course (BCOM) is english, should I try for TOEFL waiver or submit the below minimum score and retake TOEFL and re submit score. Also, shall I mention regarding TOEFL re-take in optional essay.
Is it worth waiting for Round 2, to increase my TOEFL score or should I apply right away.