Hello I registered to this website to ask this question since I thought that people would be more knowledgeable than college confidential. I would probably major in accounting or finance and I go to kelley for free and boston university for 45k a year.
My parents think that questrom would be a better choice for these reasons. 1. they care about school's reputation and rank overall. They don't like that IU is a state school and public. They think private schools will be better. (My parents were born and raised in asian country. What they think may be different from american people) 2. many good companies are in boston (boston consulting company, deloitte, etc) and it will be easier for me to get good internship opportunities. Lots of people are from BU at boston so i will have connections. 3. It's better to work in korea. Korean companies care more about school's reputation than the program. However, i am still not sure if I will work in korea or in the us.
But I think IU is better because 1. better program. #4 in the nation vs #40 something. 2. equal opportunities and internship in IU I am assuming. 3. cheaper. My parents say that they can pay 45k a year but I want them to spend that money on themselves.
So do you guys know what accounting or finance companies think about these schools? Assuming that I get same gpa, do they prefer kelley or questrom? Also if I pay the same money, would it be still kelley? If I spend 1 year at BU and transfer to IU kelley, would that be a bad idea? (if I don't like boston university of course). Finally, how good really is kelley for undergrad? I know that its ranked #4 in the nation and people say that it's great but ranking is just what the us news says and there are probably some other opinions.
I'm confused. Are you asking for MBA program or undergrad program?