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10 Ways to Celebrate After Taking the GMAT

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By Francine Fluetsch on December 9, 2015

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You did it! After studying your little heart out for weeks and sitting in an uncomfortable chair for about three and a half hours taking a test that will determine your future, you are finally done!

The GMAT is over and now you just have to wait and see what the future will hold. Since it takes a bit for the results to be processed, now is the time to enjoy yourself, because as you know, checking your email for your score every five seconds won’t make them arrive any faster, and will make you go crazy.

Here are 10 ways to celebrate after finishing your test!

1) Netflix binge.

After focusing on studying for so long, your brain is a pile of mush, so you need to do something that doesn’t require thinking. The answer? Go on a Netflix binge. There are tons of great shows calling your name, and since you have been studying so much, I’m sure you are really behind on all the current shows that everyone is talking about.

Find one that looks interesting that has a couple seasons up, and get settled on the couch, because you won’t be moving for a while. Get a friend to join you and make it a social event, since I’m sure you haven’t seen people outside of the library in a long while.

A show that I would highly recommend is “Sense 8.” It is a Netflix original and is super captivating!

2) Go out with friends.

What better way to celebrate being done than going out with your friends? You need some good fun to keep your mind off of the impending scores. Don’t think about the test, there is nothing you can change now, just focus on going out and having fun!

You could hit the bars, go out for dinner, sing karaoke, you name it. Do something that will get you out and about and let your friends help you get social again.

3) Get active.

Being stuck inside studying all day probably means you’ve skipped exercise. Don’t hit the gym since that’s boring, but go out and do some activity that you find fun! Go on a new hike and take pictures with your friends, run in the park with your dog, go ice-skating, take dance lessons; it doesn’t matter what you do, just get active.

This will help you keep your mind off your test, and will make you feel great in the process. Going out on an adventure with your friends will make it seem less like exercise, and you’ll have some new experiences to add to your Facebook album.

4) Treat yourself.

You know that really cute sweater that you have been eyeing but haven’t gotten because it’s 70 bucks? Well, after taking a huge test, you are allowed to splurge a little. You deserve it!

Treat yourself to something that you have been wanting for a while. I usually go for a new dress and a shade of nail polish to match. You could buy anything, from a new book to shoes to makeup to a whole new outfit.

Treating yourself is important and is a way to self motivate, especially after completing a test like the GMAT.

5) Bake some goodies.

Yummy treats are always a great way to celebrate a job well done. Get some friends together and all bring the ingredients for your favorite treats. You’ll get a variety of dishes, and learn more about one another.

Plus, baking your own treats is healthier and more fun than just getting it from a store. Goodies just make you feel better, so if you didn’t feel like you did so hot on the test, juststuff a bunch of cupcakes in your face and you’ll be feeling better in no time.

6) Do something crazy.

You know that tattoo that you have been wanting but have been too scared to get? Now is the time. There are always those things we want to do, like skydiving, that we let fear hold us back.

You just survived the GMAT, so now it’s time to face your fears and do that crazy thing you have been dying to do. You’ll feel so spontaneous and free, and will then associate the GMAT with a happy memory when you look back on it.

7) Take a trip.

Whether it’s a small road trip or flying to Paris, taking a trip is a much-needed way to celebrate being done with your test. It will give you a full break from the world for a couple of days.

Go camping and don’t bring your phone or laptop, and simply enjoy being one with nature. Go somewhere you’ve never been before and expand your worldview. The world is waiting for you.

8) Surround yourself with puppies.

Animals are a great way to de-stress, especially if puppies are involved! If you don’t have any cute baby animals of your own, go and hang out at a shelter for the day. You’ll be making the animals have a better day, and they will help get your mind off your test.

*If you happen to walk out of there with five dogs, this article is not responsible.*

9) Go to Disneyland.

Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, something that will really cheer you up after such a hard test and hours of studying. Go with some friends and let the inner child in you come out and have some fun!

Sometimes, we just need to let go, and what better way than taking pictures with Mickey, watching the fireworks, eating tons of food that you will regret later, and so on?

If you don’t live near Disneyland, check out other amusement parks or something similar in your area!

10) Research dream jobs.

You took the time to do well on your test, now you want to see where you will go once you get your awesome scores back. Having a game plan is a great way to keep yourself motivated, and to convince yourself that all the hard work that you are doing is going to pay off, and very soon!

Looking at dream jobs will keep you dreaming high, and will keep you on track once you get your scores.

Congrats on finishing the test! I hope these fun things will help you de-stress, and will allow you to enjoy all the hard work that you have put in.

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The post 10 Ways to Celebrate After Taking the GMAT appeared first on Business School Insider.