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Finding Balance as an MBA Student and Beyond

stacyblackman 0

finding balance in business schoolThe topic of work-life balance consumes a lot of air space in the media lately, particularly as Millennials try to figure out how to fulfill their professional passions while making time for their personal relationships and pleasurable downtime pursuits.

In my new post published on the Wharton Blog Network, I discuss how MBA students can find inspiration and practical advice on bringing balance to those crazy busy two years through a terrific novel called The Balance Project, by my friend and fellow Penn alum Susie Orman Schnall.

I also spoke to Schnall as a part of her interview series of the same name, which explores the idea of balance and how accomplished and inspiring women perceive and achieve the notion of having it all.  My interview is here, and it’s No. 104, so you know there’s a wealth of insight to be gleaned from the 100+ women who came before me!

I invite you to read both pieces and share with anyone you know who wants to bring a little balance to their lives but isn’t sure how.