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A Look at One Successful HBS Applicant

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successful HBS applicantProspective applicants always wants to know how to land a seat at the (usually) top-ranked MBA program in the land, Harvard Business School. If that sounds like you, then check out the recent piece in BusinessInsider profiling first-year MBA student Ayse Baybars and her journey to HBS.

Baybars graduated from Harvard University in 2012 with a major in human evolutionary biology and minor in English. Her work experience prior to applying to business school included a stint at a small nonprofit focused on STEM, and a role at the lingerie startup Peach.

“I am one of the only students with a science background who also has significant startup experience, so I think that brings a very different view to our case discussions when we talk about making decisions using very little data,” she said of her contributions to the class.

Her best advice to MBA hopefuls is, “Be true to who you are. Don’t try to craft the story before you’ve lived it. The story and the narrative will come as long as you pick steps with authenticity that speak to what you want to do.”

Click on over to the original article for more details on how Baybars’s non-traditional background, coupled with an adroit packaging of her story for the admissions team,  helped her gain admission to this elite business school.

Image credit: Michael A. Herzog (CC BY-ND 2.0)
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